Are Dolphins Smarter Than Orcas? 3 Facts You Should Know


Are Dolphins Smarter Than Orcas? 3 Facts You Should Know

Are Dolphins Smarter Than Orcas

Dolphins are not smarter than orcas since orcas have a highly developed brain structure and the second-largest brain among animals. However, we must mention here that orcas belong to the dolphin family and display numerous characteristics similar to other dolphins, so their intelligence comes as no surprise. Besides orcas, bottlenose dolphins are considered to be very smart.

Do Dolphins Drink Milk? 5 Facts You Should Know


Do Dolphins Drink Milk? 5 Facts You Should Know

Do Dolphins Drink Milk

Dolphins drink milk, much like whales and humans. They are not equipped to hunt for themselves soon after being born like sharks are and, therefore, rely on their mothers to supply them with the required nutrition. Dolphins do not consume any solid food for 2 to 3 years after being born and are solely dependent on the milk their mother produces.

Are Dolphins Smarter Than Dogs? 3 Facts You Should Know


Are Dolphins Smarter Than Dogs? 3 Facts You Should Know

Are Dolphins Smarter Than Dogs

Curious to know whether dolphins manage to be smarter than dogs? Allow us to tell you all about it.  Dolphins are certainly smarter than dogs, but it is difficult to determine who is better than the other because both these animals have different behavioral patterns. However, dolphins have a larger brain capacity and display characteristics … Read more

Do Dolphins Sleep at Night: 7 Facts you Should Know


Do Dolphins Sleep at Night: 7 Facts you Should Know

Do Dolphins Sleep at Night

Are dolphins nocturnal or diurnal? Do dolphins sleep at night like humans do? These are two of the most common questions that people ask about these beautiful aquatic mammals. Let’s dive deep into it! Dolphins do sleep at night but for a couple of hours. The average dolphin will sleep for around three hours at … Read more

Are Dolphins Smarter Than Humans? 5 Facts You Should Know


Are Dolphins Smarter Than Humans? 5 Facts You Should Know

Are Dolphins Smarter Than Humans

Dolphins are not smarter than humans, although they are highly intelligent and are considered the smartest sea animals. A large contributing factor to the dolphin’s intelligence is that they live in social groups and have highly complex brain structures with specialized brain cells. This gives them an added advantage and adds to their reputation of being intelligent mammals. 

Do Dolphins Eat Octopus? Facts You Should Know


Do Dolphins Eat Octopus? Facts You Should Know

Do Dolphins Eat Octopus

Yes, dolphins eat octopuses, but the diet that a dolphin eats strictly depends on the availability of the prey, the environment they live in, and the species to which they belong. Most dolphins are aggressive hunters and prey upon whatever is available to them – be it other dolphins, crabs, fishes, or octopuses.

Dolphins Jaws: 7 Facts you Should Know


Dolphins Jaws: 7 Facts you Should Know

Dolphins Jaws

Dolphins do have jaws but they do not have jaw muscles but they do have jaw bones.  The jaw of a dolphin is composed of bony elements which are connected with ligaments. The dolphin’s lower jaw extends in front of the upper jaw about as far as the nostrils, giving the jaw its characteristic shape.